
Posts Tagged ‘Tommy Dorsey’

Manhattan 1921, Manhattan Serenade & Tammany Hall

August 7, 2010 Leave a comment

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This is a great old film clip taken of Manhattan in 1921 that is available from It is a visual portrait by painter Charles Sheeler and photographer Paul Strand. The title cards show quotes from Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass”. It’s silent so I went looking for a couple of New York items to provide some background. I found a recording of “Manhattan Serenade” recorded by Jo Stafford & Tommy Dorsey from the 1940’s. Then I came across an audio book by George Washington Plunkitt one of the legends of Tammany Hall the legendary NY Democratic political machine. In this segment he expounds on how up state New Yorkers take advantage of his city. This clip also is from the early 20th century.………
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