
Posts Tagged ‘central intelligance agency’

CIA Coup in Guatemala 1954 PART 1 of “A Coup Made in America”

April 27, 2010 Leave a comment

“In the summer of 1954 the United States toppled the government of Guatemala. Their frontline was a ragtag of some 200 exiles. Their real strength was in the air, and on the airwaves. In a war of nerves the elected government of Jacobo Arbenz fell a mere ten days after the war began.

Arbenz’s fatal mistake was expropriating land from the American United Fruit Company, and distributing it to landless peasants. For this he was branded a communist, a Soviet agent, and a dangerous enemy to American national security.

It was the CIA’s most triumphant covert operation, but it was also the beginning of the end. The CIA-backed coup was the precursor to the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and threw Guatemala into a downward spiral of government-sponsored terror and mass murder. “

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Condor: The First War on Terror, Part 1 of 8

April 27, 2010 Leave a comment

Argentinean filmmaker Rodrigo Vasquez investigates Operation Condor, a top-secret network of commando forces formerly supported by the CIA, the State Department and Interpol, that worked at the behest of South American military dictators during the 1970s and ’80s. Condor’s operatives used brutal methods – including torture and assassination – to repress leftists, labor organizers and intellectuals. Veterans of this secret war now proudly claim it as the prelude to today’s “war on terror.”

Click here to see the rest of the film.