
Posts Tagged ‘ghost story’

Resurrection Mary, Chicago’s Hitch Hiking Ghost!

September 12, 2011 Leave a comment

Uploaded by ChiTownView on Sep 10, 2011
In addition to our Chicago outfit series ChiTownView has another series where we look at other lurid aspects of Chicago history. Our latest is the bone chilling story of Resurrection Mary.

A young couple are  out for an evening of fun at the The Oh Henry Ballroom (now the Willow- Brook) sometime in the 1930’s. They argue and Mary runs off to hitch a ride home only to be killed by a hit and run driver. Since that time she has been picked up several times always trying to get to the same place Resurrection Cemetery where she is buried! The very bars on the gates themselves have been damaged allegedly by this spirit trying to gain entry.
In this video we show you where the story starts the strip of road she is said to haunt and her final destination.