
Posts Tagged ‘corporate crime’

ObS Obama Seagal, The Speech The President Should Be Giving

New from Mindsi2/Peace Through Courage:

OK so I buy a half dozen movies for a buck each at a sidewalk sale. One of them is this 1994 Steven Seagal movie “On Deadly Ground”. In this one big Steve gets tangled up with an unscrupulous oil company doing shoddy work in Alaska. I am a conisuer of the films of Mr Seagal and enjoyed this one thoroughly. The big rig explodes in the background as Steve makes his escape and I’m about to hit rewind when what do we have here? Steven Seagal is addressing the Alaska legislature and he delivers a four minute speech that found me saying halfway through “this is what the president should be saying about what’s going on in the Gulf” . Then I thought to myself hey why not see what it would look like.

One more example of  why Steven Seagal is head and shoulders above the rest of his ilk. Except for maybe Godzilla.

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