
Posts Tagged ‘cancer’

War News. Protests Rock The Afghanistan & Are Depleted Uranium Munitions Causing Birth Defects?

In the past couple of weeks Afghanistan has crept back into the news and we have had a couple of posts on our 7-10 Split blog. The first report is on the protests and a wave of assassinations of US soldiers have swept the country. It also includes a video on the Russian invasion.  The other report is a fairly disturbing one about potential effects of depleted uranium weapons on Afghan people. This second report includes graphic video of deformed babies.
The 7-10 Split: Blown Away, How the U.S. Fanned the Flames in Afghanistan
The 7-10 Split: Depleted Uranium Munitions Causing Birth Defects In Afghanistan?.

And we have added this video just because people need to see what the consequences of our actions are.

“When bombardments happen, these things happen. People arms and legs get blown up.”

5 Things the Corporate Media and Government Don’t Want You to Know About Marijuana

September 10, 2010 Leave a comment

AlterNet / By Paul Armentano

1. Long-term marijuana use is associated with lower risks of certain cancers, including head and neck cancer.

The moderate long-term use of marijuana is associated with a reduced risk of head and neck cancers, according to the results of a population-based case-control study conducted by investigators at Rhode Island’s Brown University and published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research.

Authors of the study reported, “After adjusting for potential confounders (including smoking and alcohol drinking), 10 to 20 years of marijuana use was associated with a significantly reduced risk of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma” compared to subjects who never used pot.

Researchers further reported that subjects who smoked marijuana and consumed alcohol and tobacco (two conclusive high risk factors for head and neck cancers) also experienced a reduced cancer risk compared to non-cannabis users. “[W]e observed that marijuana use modified the interaction between alcohol and cigarette smoking, resulting in a decreased (cancer) risk among moderate smokers and light drinkers, and attenuated risk among the heaviest smokers and drinkers.

“Our study suggests that moderate marijuana use is associated with reduced risk of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma,” investigators concluded.

Similarly, a 2006 UCLA study of more than 2,200 subjects reported that marijuana smoking was not positively associated with cancers of the lung or upper aerodigestive tract – even among individuals who reported smoking more than 22,000 joints during their lifetime. Researchers further noted that among some users of the drug, cannabis smoking appeared to have a cancer preventive effect.”

To read the rest of the facts click here.

There are even itelligent people who think that pot is dangerous who think it should be legalized. Here is a video featuring Professor of Pharmacology and co-author of Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts, John Morgan. In it he explains why marijuana should be legalized for the safety of the community.